Chairman, Center for International Economy & Strategy Ltd.
中尾 武彦
Takehiko Nakao

Message from Chairman Nakao
国際経済戦略センター 理事長
Message from Chairman Nakao
I assumed on August 1, 2024, Chairman of the newly established Center for International Economy and Strategy.
Today, we are faced with wars and conflicts between countries which we have not expected before. Political scenes in countries are also becoming more fluid. How should we try to preserve democracy which we have believed the world is moving for? Geopolitical tensions are affecting global supply chains and energy prices. At the same time, the global community must strengthen cooperation to tackle climate change and to aim at zero carbon economies.
Inflation and interest hikes are now burdening consumers and corporations. Governments must also address the issues of sustainability of fiscal and monetary policies, which have been expanded massively to fight impacts of financial crises and the Covid-19. Many countries face fundamental challenges of how to cope with declining and aging population. Advanced technologies of AI and digitalization are huge opportunities, but it is needed to take appropriate measures regarding intellectual property rights, privacy, spread of disinformation and misinformation, and fair competition.
Center for International Economy and Strategy will provide useful perspectives, information, and knowledge in respect of economic policies, international finance, currencies, and geopolitical impacts on the global economy, based my own experiences and network gained as President of the Asian Development Bank and Vice-Minister for International Affairs of the Ministry of Finance, Japan.
I would like to offer broad-based perspectives and insights on where the global community is going and how Japan should position itself in the international economy and Asia. Together with you, I would like to be a part of efforts to proactively consider important domestic and international issues.
My Career
1978年 東京大学経済学部卒業
1982年 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 経営学修士
1978年 大蔵省入省
国際金融局、主税局、証券局で課長補佐、国際通貨基金(IMF)政策企画審査局審議役(出向)、銀行局金融会社室長、財務省 国際局国際機構課長、主計局主計官(外務・経済産業・経済協力担当)、国際局開発政策課長、在米国大使館公使、国際局長などを経て、
2011年8月 財務官(2013年3月退官)
2013年4月 アジア開発銀行(ADB)総裁(~2020年1月)
2020年4月 みずほ総合研究所株式会社 理事長
2021年4月 みずほリサーチ&テクノロジーズ株式会社 理事長(~2024年7月)
2024年8月 住友商事株式会社 顧問
株式会社国際経済戦略センター 理事長

Mr. Takehiko Nakao is currently Adviser, Sumitomo Corporation and Chairman, Center for International Economy and Strategy.
He is also an executive board member (external) of the Daiichi Life Insurance, Ltd.
Concurrently, he teaches as Visiting Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo.
He is a member of the Trilateral Commission, Board of Governors of Asian Institute of Management (Manila), the Japan Corporate Governance Network, and several other international and Japanese non-profit organizations.
Before assuming the current job on August 1, 2024, he was Chairman of the Institute at Mizuho Research & Technologies, Ltd.
From April 2013 to January 2020, Mr. Nakao served as President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which is based in Manila with membership of 68 countries including 46 regional developing countries.
Mr. Nakao was the Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs between 2011 and 2013, and in charge of foreign exchange markets, G20 and G7 processes, ASEAN+3 financial cooperation, and bilateral financial relations with the US, Asian, and others.
Mr. Nakao has gained extensive experience in international finance, budget, tax policy, and financial market since he joined the Ministry of Finance in 1978. He was assigned as Minister at the Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C. between 2005 and 2007, and worked as advisor at IMF's Policy Development and Review Department between 1994 and 1997.
He has published books and numerous papers on financial and economic issues both in Japanese and English.
His memoir “The Rise of Asia: Perspectives and Beyond” covering his ADB days as well as those of Vice Minister was published by ADB in July 2022 (available on ADB HP). He also took an initiative and was a lead editor for “Asia’s Journey to Prosperity: Policy, Market, and Technology over 50 Years”, published by ADB in January 2020 (available on ADB HP).
Mr. Nakao holds a BA degree in Economics from the University of Tokyo (1978) and a Master of Business Administration from the University of California-Berkeley (1982).

Company Name:
Center for International Economy & Strategy Ltd.(CIESL)
Establishment Date:
August 1, 2024
Business Description:
Research and provision of financial, economic, and
international information, and related ancillary businesses